bibliography ken

  1. K. Thompson, Regular Expression Search Algorithm, Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach., Vol. 11, 6, pp. 419--422, 1968.
  2. D. M. Ritchie and K. Thompson, The sc Unix Time-Sharing System, Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach., Vol. 17, 7, pp. 365--375, 1974.
  3. K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie, sc Unix Programmer s Manual, Sixth, Bell Laboratories, 1975.
  4. K. Thompson, sc Unix Time-Sharing System: sc Unix Implementation, Bell Sys. Tech. J., Vol. 57, 6, pp. 1931--1946, 1978.
  5. R. Morris and K. Thompson, A Million Digits of e on a Minicomputer, Math. Comp., TM 75-1271-10, 1979, (ctr 127) .
  6. R. Morris and K. Thompson, Webster s Second on the Head of a Pin, Software Practice and Experience, TM 74-1271-13, 1979.
  7. R. Morris and K. Thompson, UNIX Password Security, CACM, Vol. 22, 11, TM 78-1271-5, pp. 594--597, 1979.
  8. K. Thompson, Computer chess Strength, Proc. of Advances in Computer Chess III Conf., London England, 1981.
  9. J. H. Condon and K. Thompson, Belle, Chess Skill in Man and Machine, Ed. P. Frey, 1982.
  10. K. Thompson, Reflections on Trusting Trust H alf of the 1983 T uring Award Lecture, Comm. of the ACM, Vol. 27, pp. 761--764, 1984.
  11. R. Pike and D. Presotto and K. Thompson and H. Trickey, Plan 9 from B ell L abs, UKUUG Proceedings of the Summer 1990 Conference, London England, 1990.
  12. D. Presotto and R. Pike and K. Thompson and H. Trickey, Plan 9 A Distributed System, EurOpen Proceedings of the Fall 1991 Conference, Tromso Norway, 1991.
  13. R. Pike and D. Presotto and K. Thompson and H. Trickey and P. Winterbottom, The Use of Name Spaces in P lan 9, Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGOPS Workshop, Mont Saint-Michel, 1992.
  14. Rob Pike and Ken Thompson, Hello World or ldots, Proceedings of the Winter 1993 USENIX Conference, pp. 43--50, San Diego, 1993.
  15. R. Pike and D. Presotto and S. Dorward and R. Flandrena and K. Thompson and H. Trickey and P. Winterbottom, Plan 9 from B ell L abs, Computing Systems, Vol. 8, 3, pp. 221--254, Summer 1995.

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